
Christophe Troch

CSIR senior coastal modeller

Christophe Troch’s area of interest is vessel response, ship navigation, wave modelling and physical model scale projects.

Full Profile

Troch is a senior coastal modeller at the CSIR. He holds a Master of Science in applied mathematics (cum laude) from Stellenbosch University. He has worked on ports and coastal projects that involve the numerical modelling of short and long-period waves, moored vessel response, vessel under keel clearance, real-time 2D and 3D ship navigation, forecasting systems, downtime and extreme event analyses.

Expertise: Vessel response, ship navigation, numerical wave modelling, physical modelling in coastal and port engineering

Academic qualifications: 
  • BSc (Applied Mathematics), Stellenbosch University, 2012         
  • BSc (Hons) (Applied Mathematics), Stellenbosch University, 2013          
  • MSc (Applied Mathematics), Stellenbosch University, 2016


Chrisptophe Troch, CSIR Smart Mobility senior coastal modeller

Contact Person

Christophe Troch
