
Lehlohonolo Molloyi

Manufacturing Industry Advisory Panel

Chief Executive Officer, Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa 

Full Profile

Lehlohonolo Amos Molloyi is the CEO of Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa, representing 40 local OEMs and service providers in the mining industry. He has extensive executive management experience with Anglo Coal, Anglo Gold, Gold Fields, Kumba Resources, TransHex and Etruscan Diamonds, and holds a National Higher Diploma in extractive metallurgy from the University of Johannesburg and a marketing management certificate from the University of South Africa. With 25 years of postgraduate experience as a process metallurgist and operations specialist, Lehlohonolo brings practical expertise to mine and process operations management, executive management and strategy implementation.

Lehlohonolo Molloi, manufacturing industry advisory panel

Contact Person

Lehlohonolo Molloyi