
CSIR driving SMART innovations to boost SA’s healthcare system in rural areas

On Wednesday, 28 June, young researchers from the CSIR showcased groundbreaking Fourth Industrial Revolution(4IR) innovations aimed at improving South Africa's healthcare system in remote regions.

To address the issue of limited diagnostic resources in rural areas, the CSIR is developing a machine learning-powered diagnostics system, a technology that combines cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to autonomously help medical professional diagnose diseases with better accuracy and speed.

06/30/2023 - 12:15

The CSIR launched the African Bio-manufacturing Workforce Development and Training Programme in June 2023.

Climate research experts urge South Africa to prepare for looming El Niño

Researchers in South Africa and across the globe have, through regular monitoring of the ENSO system, presented evidence that a moderate-to-strong El Niño is developing in 2023.

Speaking at the El Niño 2023 Summit held at the University of Pretoria, CSIR senior researcher and ACCESS Director, Dr Neville Sweijd, emphasised the need for early preparation in anticipation of the potential impacts of the 2023 El Niño in South Africa and its neighbouring countries.