
Prof. Moses Azong Cho

CSIR chief researcher

Cho’s research interests involve data analytics of earth observation or remote sensing data and development of applications and products that support planning and decision-making for Precision agriculture, and biodiversity conservation in rural and protected landscapes.

Full Profile

Cho holds a PhD in hyperspectral remote sensing from the International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation, Enschede, and the University of Wageningen, Netherlands. His key research interest involves developing earth observation  tools, applications or products that support planning and decision-making for Precision agriculture, biodiversity conservation in rural and protected landscapes, particularly in Africa; hyperspectral imagery, and active remote sensing (lidar and radar) for assessing and monitoring floral diversity, vegetation condition (e.g. nutrient status) and productivity, and land-cover change processes at different spatial scales; modelling the effects of habitat (e.g. forest) fragmentation and vegetation change on ecosystem functioning and rural livelihoods. Cho is also a professor with the plant and soil science department at the University of Pretoria, an NRF rated scientist, the convener of the technical committee on algorithm development and application for the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment, president of the African chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology and an associate editor for the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.

Expertise: Data analytics, Remote sensing; Precision agriculture; Biodiversity conservation; Earth observation

Academic qualifications: 
  • BSc (Natural Sciences, specialisation in Botany), University of Yaounde, Cameroon 1991
  • MSc (Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Management), Greenwich University, United Kingdom, 2001
  • PhD (Hyperspectral Remote Sensing), University of Wageningen, Netherlands, 2007

Contact Person

Prof. Moses Azong Cho
