
Willie Nel

CSIR Chief Researcher

Nel is the technology and innovation manager for the CSIR’s radar research area, and has over 20 years of experience in radar system design and radar signal processing with a focus on target recognition, imaging, space-borne synthetic aperture radar and digital beamforming.

Full Profile

Nel is a CSIR chief radar researcher, and the technology and innovation manager for the radar research group. He holds an MSc in digital image processing from the University of Cape Town and has been working passionately in the field of radar since 1999. His areas of expertise include radar system design, radar imaging, target recognition and radar signal processing. His current area of focus is the design and development of satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar systems. He has published several papers in the area of radar target recognition and radar imaging, and acts as a reviewer for several radar journals and conferences in this capacity.

Expertise: Radar system design and signal analysis

Academic qualifications: 
  • MEng (Digital Image Processing), University of Cape Town, 1998
  • BEng (Electronics), University of Pretoria, 1996
  • Postgraduate course in radar, Georgia Tech Institute of Technology

Contact Person

Willie Nel
